Ежова Екатерина
5 класс,
Г.Новокуйбышевск, Самарская область
Учитель: Мефодьева Елена Борисовна
My favourite city is Samara. Samara is one of the oldest Russian cities. It is located on the left
bank of the Volga River.
The city stretches along the Volga River. It in the Soviet period from 1935 to 1991 the city was
named Kuibyshev, in honor of the Soviet party leader Valerian Kuibyshev.
The population of Samara is 1.125 million people. It occupies the 6-th place in the Russian
Federation after Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod.
The city is divided into 9 administrative districts. My favourite district is Samara district.
There are many green parks and gardens in this district. Many old houses, historical monuments,
theatres and museums can be also found here.
I like to spend my weekends in Samara. My parents and I often go to Samara and visit the
theatres and the museums.