пятница, 27 ноября 2015 г.

четверг, 26 ноября 2015 г.

Russian banknotes

Потапова Екатерина Олеговна
8 Класс
ГБОУ СОШ с. Хворостянка
Учитель: Николаева Ольга Петровна

Russian children in XIX century

Куркина Екатерина
7 Г класс
МАОУ "Физико-математический лицей №38 г.Ульяновска"
Учитель: Бондарчук В. В.

Russian Souvenirs

Латыпова Вилена
5 Класс
МБОУ "Лицей №2"
Учитель Санжарова Наталья Владимировна

Здравствуйте меня зовут Латыпова Вилена. Я учусь в 5 А классе МБОУ «Лицей №2» г. Нижневартовск. Я люблю читать. Занимаюсь танцами, хожу в кружок «Золотая рыбка» и плаваю в бассейне.

Souvenirs from Russia

Севериненко Валерия Денисовна
5 Класс
МОУ Гимназия № 46
Учитель: Демышева Наталья Валерьевна

Souvenirs from Russia

Насакина Ксения Юрьевна
5 Класс
МОУ Гимназия № 46
Учитель: Демышева Наталья Валерьевна

The Person I admire

Жеманова Екатерина
7 Б класс
МАОУ "Физико-математический лицей №38 г.Ульяновска"
Учитель: Бондарчук 
Валерия Владимировна
The person I admire is Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Vladimirovich was born in Leningrad on the 7th of October.He grew up in 

a indigent family, his parents learnt him to love his country and be proud of it.

Now he is one of the most demand statesmen in the world.

Magazine "Forbes" 3rd time calles Putin the best statesman and peacemaker.

One of the most important merit of Putin is that he calls teenagers to do sport 

and to respect our country.

But the main merit of our President is that he gave a hope to our country, to our 


He is the best example to follow and he changed MY life actually. Now I am 

looking at the world not like before. I really want to see him and wish him good 

luck, because he is working hard.

The tale about Tsar Saltan and his son Tsarevutch Guidon

Куркин Владимир, Лукичёв Григорий
7 В класс
МАОУ "Физико-математический лицей №38 г.Ульяновска"
Учитель: Бондарчук Валерия Владимировна

среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.


Ускова Полина Святославовна
7 Класс
МОУ Гимназия 46, п. Малаховка
Учитель Демышева Наталья Валерьевна

четверг, 12 ноября 2015 г.

I Love Crimea

Мельникова Анастасия
6 Класс
МБОУ «СШ№14 г. Евпатории Республики Крым»
Учитель: Соколова Ирина Олеговна

I Love Crimea

Hello! My name is Nastya. I'm from Crimea in Russia. I live in a small city, 
Crimea is a beautiful region with lots to see. In the south, there are the 
Crimean Mountains and in the north there are wide steppes. 
Tourists come to Crimea to visit a beautiful peak Ai-Petri in the Crimean 
Mountains, interesting museums, and historic places.
Crimea is a wonderful place to visit and live!
by Anastasia Melnikova

The Person I Admire

Никифоров Василий
9 класс
г.Новокуйбышевск, Самарская область
Учитель: Мефодьева Елена Борисовна


If you like good fighters, then you should know Arnold Schwarzneger, because he 
is one of the most famous actors in the world. His appearance is very similar to the 
star. He’s a muscular and a handsome man with a fascinating smile.
On his way to the star he went through  a lot of difficulties. He was involved in 
various sports.
It helped him to overcome all obstacles and to become the star.
As for me, I admire this actor and I respect him very much. I am fond of sport. Now I don’t know exactly what profession I will choose. But Arnold 
Schwarzneger is a good example for me and my friends.

среда, 11 ноября 2015 г.

Travelling around London

Абрамова Екатерина Романовна
6 класс
ГАПОУ МОК им. В. Талалихина г. Москвы
учитель Азаренкова Елена Михайловна

Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich

Забалканцева Елизавета Сергеевна
7 Класс
МОУ Гимназия 46, п. Малаховка
Учитель: Демышева Наталья Валерьевна


Устюхина Дарья
7 Класс
Учитель Панченко Алексей Петрович

Alexander Pushkin

Левина Анастасия Денисовна
7 Класс
МОУ Гимназия 46
Учитель: Демышева Наталья Валерьевна

Учим идиомы

Игнатова Екатерина, Куликова Анна, Петрова Екатерина, Читлова Татьяна
 8 класс
ГБОУ «Школа № 717(2)»

Учитель: Шаповалова-Спиридонова Марина Владимировна

Hen Ryaba

Екатерина Алешина, Светлана Завражновой
7 В класс
МАОУ "Физико-математический лицей №38 г.Ульяновска"
Учитель: Бондарчук Валерия Владимировна

Our class

Вавилова Юлия,
Класс 8
Г.Новокуйбышевск, Самарская область
Учитель: Мефодьева Елена Борисовна


My name is Julia. I am 14. I am in the 8-th form. I’d like to tell you about my class.
There are 23 students in our class. All of the are friendly and merry. Some of our students are
engaged in different kinds of sport, and other students attend various circles. There are many
talented  and interesting students in our class.
But I have only two friends among my classmates, because I’m very shy and not very sociable.
My friends’ names are  Olga and Natasha. Olga goes to musical school. She knows much about
music and plays the piano very well. Natasha is fond of dancing. Both Olga and Natasha are
reliable and confident.
I should say a few words about  our class teacher. Tamara Victorovna is a great teacher. She
teaches us Russian and Literature. Besides we spend a lot of time together. We visit museums,

exhibitions and theatres. The atmosphere in our class is very warm and it helps us unite.


Каба Екатерина,
6 класс,
Г.Новокуйбышевск, Самарская область
Учитель: Мефодьева Елена Борисовна


Cats are the most popular pets in different countries. Why do the people like cats?
They are very kind and helpful. Cats even know how to treat. The cat comes to
a sick person, lie down on his painful place and everything will be all right.

At first the ancient people liked the cats for their ability to catch mice and rats.
In ancient Egypt the cat was considered to be a sacred animal.

Some people believed that cats not only protect the houses from the mice but from evil spirits.
Other people thought that the black cats had mystical abilities and could companions of witches.

I think it is a great pleasure to have such a pet at home. I also have a cat and I love him very much!