понедельник, 13 апреля 2015 г.

My Dream House

Пастухова Екатерина
5 класс
Г.Новокуйбышевск, Самарская область
Учитель: Мефодьева Елена Борисовна

My Dream House

I’d like to live in Samara in a two storey house. It will be a place where I will live with my
family and where I will feel comfortable. I’d like to have ten rooms: four bedrooms, two
kitchens  two bathrooms, a study and a living room. My dream is to have a beautiful garden near
my house. There will be a lake in my garden. I’d like to have a big swimming  pool in my house
The rooms on the ground floor will be green and the rooms on the first floor will be pink.
My house will be nice and cozy. It will be  my favourite  place because it will be “home, sweet

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